Going on Safari with Whitecroft

Going on Safari with Whitecroft

  • Posted on May 11 2023

Whitecroft have taken the initiative to introduce ‘School Safaris’ to make sure modern manufacturing is seen in a new light. We’ve used the term ‘Safaris’ because just like the real thing, they are an opportunity to show the different aspects of modern manufacturing that young people wouldn’t normally see. These include the product design department, laboratory and testing facilities, commercial office, shop floor with the assembly line and robotics, and practical applications of lighting installations, with mock ups of a real-life classroom and hospital ward.


The scheme has been specially developed to show 14 - 16 year olds what modern manufacturing is all about - creative, fulfilling, interesting work, with good professional development prospects.


Alder View School Safari


As well as visiting every part of the Whitecroft operation, each ‘Safari Party’ will meet senior members of the Operations Team led by Robert Bates, Operations Director. This will give students the opportunity to learn about the advantages of apprenticeships, as an alternative to full time college, and how they can earn while they learn. They will also be introduced to the Meet Your Future programme, where they will hear about the opportunity to start in any department at Whitecroft and progress to other areas of the business, pursuing their chosen career path.


School Safari


The School Safaris started in January 2023 and there have already been visits from schools from Tameside and the Greater Manchester area, including Alder and Audenshaw Schools, with lots of positive feedback from the students and teachers. So far, the students were particularly impressed by the welcoming environment of the factory shop floor with music playing in the background, and the manufacturing process itself, saying they were “surprised how technical the lights were and that they could be integrated to other devices such as smart phones”. Students were also impressed with the level of sustainability due to the reduction in the ‘throw away’ culture of the past built into lighting design and manufacture.


School Safari


We will be inviting a number of schools each month to go on our ‘School Safari’ to educate young people about innovative, sustainable and modern manufacturing, and to share the advantages of enrolling into Whitecroft’s apprenticeship schemes.


To learn more about Whitecroft ‘School Safaris’ please contact Warren Young, Learning and Development Officer: Phone: +44 7850 732532 or email: warren.young@whitecroftlight.com